California Trademark Search California Trademark Search

This search provides access to available information for Trademark registrations and modifications of record with the California Secretary of State, including free PDF copies of imaged Trademark documents.

Although the Trademark Search is updated daily, search results do not reflect filings received by the Secretary of State that have not been processed through completion. Therefore, the data provided may not be complete. In order to obtain a complete or certified copy of a record of a Mark, send a written request to our Trademark Unit. More information on records requests, including fees, can be found on the Trademarks Forms and Fees webpage. Please refer to our current processing dates webpage to see the most up-to-date processing information.

  • Select the applicable search type.
  • In the "Search Criteria" box, enter the details you wish to search.
  • Select the search filter you wish to use.
  • Select the Search button.

All fields marked with an asterisk(*) are required.

